Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My interview with author Frank Viola on his new book "From Eternity to Here"

1. if you were in an elevator with someone and they asked you what is the ageless purpose of God, what would you tell them?
I’d say that trying to explain it in an elevator is like trying to put the Mississippi river in a tea cup. It’s impossible. It’s too high, too glorious, too wonderful, too incredible and too amazing to put in a sentence without diluting it or doing it justice. I’d then hand them a copy of From Eternity to Here if I had one on me, saying, “this is but an introduction.” ;-) 
2. what are some challenges you find about believing and knowing God's purpose?
The main challenge for me is trying to break through the mentality that is common among some Christians wherein they assume that they have heard everything and know everything there is to know about the Lord. Once someone opens the door to understanding God’s eternal purpose in Christ, it wipes everything else off the table. We realize that Jesus Christ is far more than we ever dreamed
3. what is the simplest way to describe and recommend this book to someone else? whether they are in ministry or are a lay person passionate about God. i.e. "you should read this book because..."
Well, if I may quote from many of the letters I’ve received so far, they would finish that sentence saying  … “because it will wreck you for anything else but Christ. It will change your life, and you’ll fall in love with your Lord like never before. You’ll discover what provoked Him to create, what His ultimate passion is, and where you fit into it. After having seen it, reading the Bible, viewing your brothers and sisters in the Lord, and viewing God and the church will never be the same.” People can read some of those statements from the reviews at www.FromEternitytoHere.org 


Today (June 9th), the following blogs are discussing Frank Viola's new bestselling book “From Eternity to Here” (David C. Cook, 2009). The book just hit the May CBA Bestseller List. Some are posting Q & A with Frank; others are posting full reviews of the book. To read more reviews and order a copy at a 33% discount, go to Amazon.com: http://www.amazon.com/Eternity-Here-Rediscovering-Ageless-Purpose/dp/1434768708/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1233609867&sr=1-4

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For more resources, such as downloadable audios, the free Discussion Guide, the Facebook Group page, etc. go to the official website: http://www.FromEternitytoHere.org

Enjoy the reviews and the Q and A:


Out of Ur - http://blog.christianitytoday.com/outofur/archives/2009/05/viola.html

Shapevine - www.Shapevine.com (June newsletter)

Brian Eberly - http://www.brianeberly.com

DashHouse.com - http://www.DashHouse.com/

Greg Boyd - http://www.gregboyd.org/blog/

Vision Advance - http://vision2advance.blogspot.com/

David Flowers - http://ddflowers.wordpress.com

Kingdom Grace - http://kingdomgrace.wordpress.com

Captain's Blog - http://www.captainestes.blogspot.com/

Christine Sine - http://godspace.wordpress.com

Darin Hufford - The Free Believers Network - www.freebelievers.com

Zoecarnate - http://zoecarnate.wordpress.com

Church Planting Novice - www.churchplantingnovice.wordpress.com

Staying Focused - http://kimmartinezstayingfocused.wordpress.com/

Take Your Vitamin Z - www.takeyourvitaminz.blogspot.com

Jeff Goins - http://jeffgoins.myadventures.org

Bunny Trails - http://bunny-trails.blogspot.com

Matt Cleaver - http://mattcleaver.com

Jason T. Berggren - http://blog.jasonberggren.com/

Simple Church - http://www.simplechurchjournal.com/

Emerging from Montana - http://wordofmouthministries.blogspot.com/

Parable Life - http://www.theparablelife.blogspot.com

Oikos Australia - http://www.oikos.org.au/blog/

West Coast Witness - www.WestCoastWitness.com

Keith Giles - http://www.Keith.Giles.com

Consuming Worship -- http://www.consumingworship.org

Tasha Via - www.tashavia.blogspot.com

Andrew Courtright - www.andrewcourtright.blogspot.com

ShowMeTheMooneys! - http://www.showmethemooneys.com/

Leaving Salem, Blog of Ronnie McBrayer - http://leavingsalem.wordpress.com/ 

Jason Coker - pastoralia.missionaltribe.org 

From Knowledge to Wisdom - http://isthistheway.typepad.com/

Home Brewed Christianity - http://www.homebrewedchristianity.com

Dispossessed - http://kblog.kevinjbowman.com

Dandelion Seeds - http://www.homeschoolblogger.com/Dandelionseeds

David Brodsky's Blog- "Flip the tape Deck" - http://flipthetapedeck.blogspot.com/

Chaordic Journey - http://jeffrhodes.wordpress.com

Renee Martin - http://www.reneemartinmusic.com/profiles/blog/list

Bob Kuhn - http://organicchurchnola.wordpress.com/

Living with Freaks: www.livingwithfreaks.com

Real Worship - http://therealworshipleader.com

Fervent Worship - http://ferventworship.blogspot.com

Julie Ferwerda Blog - www.JulieFerwerda.com /  www.OneMillionArrows.com

What's With Christina?! - http://w2christina.blogspot.com

Irreligious Canuck - http://www.irreligiouscanuck.com

This day on the journey - http://guychmieleski.blogspot.com

Live and Move: Thoughts on Authentic Christianity - http://liveandmove.blogspot.com/

Spiritual Journey With God - http://www.elvineve.blogspot.com/ 

Dries Conje - http://www.echurch.co.za / http://www.thejesusfeed.com / http://www.bookdisciple.com.

Journey with Others - http://journeywithothers.blogspot.com

On Now to the Third Level - www.080808onnowto.blogspot.com

Christine Moers - www.welcometomybrain.net

Breaking Point - http://marybethstockdale.wordpress.com

Hand to the Plough - http://www.handtotheplough.com.au

Jon Reid - http://jonreid.blogs.com/oneanother/welcome-pilgrim.html

Weblight - www.blog.worldwidewebservices.se

D. L. Webster - http://gzmproductions.com/dlwebster

Searching for the Whole-Hearted Life - wholeheartedlife.blogspot.com


Mike Morrell said...

Great interview. I find Frank's statement here culturally interesting:

"The main challenge for me is trying to break through the mentality that is common among some Christians wherein they assume that they have heard everything and know everything there is to know about the Lord."

While this mindset is still quite common in evangelical-land, I think among my peers (& myself) its more challenging to think we can know anything about a mysterious and ineffable God. Even in God's disclosure (in Christ), there is a certain opacity...

Unknown said...

Thanks Mike! And you make a good point. There is a whole other perspective where we might not even consider knowing God is a possibility.

But even as a Christian I'm still learning just how much He wants to be known. And that's such a beautiful and loving thing.

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